Private Declare Function PtrToStrA Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyA" (ByVal RetVal As String, ByVal Ptr As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function StrLen Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrlenW" (ByVal Ptr As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
'Performance Data Helper - Constants
' dwFormat flag values
Public Const PDH_FMT_RAW = &H10
Public Const PDH_FMT_ANSI = &H20
Public Const PDH_FMT_UNICODE = &H40
Public Const PDH_FMT_LONG = &H100
Public Const PDH_FMT_DOUBLE = &H200
Public Const PDH_FMT_LARGE = &H400
Public Const PDH_FMT_NOSCALE = &H1000
Public Const PDH_FMT_1000 = &H2000
Public Const PDH_FMT_NODATA = &H4000
' DetailLevel flag values
Public Const PERF_DETAIL_NOVICE& = 100 ' The uninformed can understand it
Public Const PERF_DETAIL_ADVANCED& = 200 ' For the advanced user
Public Const PERF_DETAIL_EXPERT& = 300 ' For the expert user
Public Const PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD& = 400 ' For the system designer
'Performance Data Helper - Types
dwLength As Long
dwType As Long
CVersion As Long
CStatus As Long
lScale As Long
lDefaultScale As Long
dwUserData As Long
dwQueryUserData As Long
szFullPath As Long
szMachineName As Long
szObjectName As Long
szInstanceName As Long
szParentInstance As Long
dwInstanceIndex As Long
szCounterName As Long
lpNull As Long
szExplainText As Long
DataBuffer(16) As Long
End Type
'Performance Data Helper - Functions
Private Declare Function PdhOpenQuery Lib "pdh.dll" Alias "PdhVbOpenQuery" (hQuery As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhAddCounter Lib "pdh.dll" Alias "PdhVbAddCounter" (ByVal hQuery As Long, ByVal szFullCounterPath As String, hCounter As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhRemoveCounter Lib "pdh.dll" (ByVal hCounter As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhCollectQueryData Lib "pdh.dll" (ByVal hQuery As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhGetDoubleCounterValue Lib "pdh.dll" Alias "PdhVbGetDoubleCounterValue" (ByVal CounterHandle As Long, ByRef CounterStatus As Long) As Double
Private Declare Function PdhCloseQuery Lib "pdh.dll" (ByVal hQuery As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhIsGoodStatus Lib "pdh.dll" Alias "PdhVbIsGoodStatus" (ByVal StatusValue As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhCreateCounterPathList Lib "pdh.dll" Alias "PdhVbCreateCounterPathList" (ByVal DetailLevel As Long, ByVal CaptionString As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhGetOneCounterPath Lib "pdh.dll" Alias "PdhVbGetOneCounterPath" (ByVal PathString As String, ByVal PathLength As Long, ByVal DetailLevel As Long, ByVal CaptionString As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhGetCounterPathFromList Lib "pdh.dll" Alias "PdhVbGetCounterPathFromList" (ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Buffer As String, ByVal BufferLength As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PdhGetCounterInfo Lib "pdh.dll" Alias "PdhGetCounterInfoA" (ByVal hCounter As Long, ByVal bRetrieveExplainText As Long, pdwBufferSize As Long, lpBuffer As Long) As Long
Sub AddComputer(ByVal ComputerName As String)
Set ItmX = frmPerfExplorer.ListView.ListItems.Add(, "P" & CounterIndex - 1, ComputerName)
'AddCounter "\\" & ComputerName & "\Active Server Pages\Errors During Script Runtime"
'AddCounter "\\" & ComputerName & "\Active Server Pages\Errors From ASP Preprocessor"
'AddCounter "\\" & ComputerName & "\Active Server Pages\Errors From Script Compilers"
'AddCounter "\\" & ComputerName & "\Active Server Pages\Memory Allocated"
'AddCounter "\\" & ComputerName & "\Active Server Pages\Request Bytes In Total"
'AddCounter "\\" & ComputerName & "\Active Server Pages\Request Bytes Out Total"
'AddCounter "\\" & ComputerName & "\Active Server Pages\Requests Failed Total"
'AddCounter "\\" & ComputerName & "\Active Server Pages\Requests Succeeded"
'AddCounter "\\" & ComputerName & "\Active Server Pages\Requests Timed Out"
'AddCounter "\\" & ComputerName & "\Active Server Pages\Sessions Current"
'AddCounter "\\" & ComputerName & "\Active Server Pages\Sessions Total"
'AddCounter "\\" & ComputerName & "\Active Server Pages\Template Cache Hit Rate"